Ultra Top 20 week 1

Bogdan Chirea

Clasamentul muzical al celor mai bune piese de la inceput de an. Voturile voastre au fost luate in considerare.

1. Inna - Hot

2. Armin van Buuren - In and out of love

3. Marius feat Giulia - Rain

4. Beyonce - If I were a boy

5. David Deejay feat Dony - Nasty dream

6. Katy Perry - Hot 'n cold

7. Britney Spears - Womanizer

8. Akcent - Stay with me

9. Pussycat Dolls - I hate this part

10. Kylie Minogue - The one

Vezi clasament complet, videoclipuri si voteaza-ti preferatii pe www.musictop.tk


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